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Small village a short ride from waterdeep. Closest entry to the sunless-citadel.


Narrate travel to Oakhurst.#

As you step out of the tavern, you are greeted with the smell of sea salt and sound of seagulls. You see rows of shabby looking houses as far as the eye can see, here in the dock ward. Filare ushers you toward the nearest stables. “CMon then! We don’t have all day if we want to be there before nightfall.”

You reach the stables. “Here you go. Our three amphalian beauties. Of course, I will come with you to see to it that you do not simply ride away with them. Not that we think that you would.”
“(darkly) Just so you know, the last group that tried were hunted down.”

“Now come on, let’s get moving.”
“I hope you are as happy to share as I am.” (Gives someone a wink).

As you ride through the beautiful summer day along the road to Oakhurst, you cross the Dessarin river. You see fish swimming up the stream, and deer running along the edge of the forest.


Just before Summer solstice.
You reach a small village along the edge Dessarin Forest, where you see a sign that says Oakhurst.

Village Hall#

Mayor Vurnor Leng (Male Human Noble).

Taps fingers. Speaks loudly. Mishears things.
Ideals: Moderation.Tradition.

Flaws: bad hearing, pretends to understand.
“Good evening, what brings a group like you to Oakhurst.”

“You here for the fruit auction? You are early.”

“What? Speak up? Sorry, my hearing isn’t that great.”

“Axehandle you say?”

Knows apple rumor p11: “Sometimes offer a different apple at midwinter”
“Goblins seem to come from the old road.” (With the citadel).

General Store#

Kerowin Hucrele: (Female Human Noble)
Perfect memory. Twirls hair in despair.
Green, druidic dress. Long red hair.
Ideals: Life -> Pain. Tradition -> Whimsy.
“Heh, hi.”
“I’m Kerowin. I, I guess I run this store now.”

“I didn’t used to run this. It was run by Talgen. He took off last month with Sharwyn, and some paladin. Apparently they were quite enthusiastic about something he’d seen near the sunken Citadel. They said they’d be back in a few days, but it’s been a month.”

Talgen Hucrele, fighter. Sharwyn Hucrele, wiz.

“I’m no city gal. I always thought Sharwyn would move to the city. ”


Rosilin (Dem “Corkie” Nackle) (female gnome priest of Pelor). 200yo.

Monotone. English accent. Pristine face, not making many emotions.
Ideals: Balance, Logic. Drawn to Pelor worship regardless.

Flaws: envy, judgemental bitch.
Short, wide blue hair covering her pointy ears. Small yellow vest over a blue top.

“Do you require healing.”

“Cattle herders don’t graze too far afield these days.”
“This shrine is my responsibility to Pelor”. (God of Sun Light Strength and Healing - The Shining One + The Sun Father. Holy symbol is a face in a sun).
“I came here to work in The Citadel, only to find it taken over by a dragon cult. Serves them right that it sunk into the treacherous it stood upon.”

Jail: Small stout building.#

Constable Felosial (Female half-elf veteran). Commands 16 guards + 4 scouts to keep village safe. Chain mail
Honest. Chews on food while talking. Protective. Prone to rage. Little high pitched.

“I’m Felosial! Chew!”
“Don’t get too comfortable. See this thing here? (Prison) We are far away from the bureaucratic courts of the cities. I have known the inhabitants here my whole life, and will take their word over anyone. Well, maybe except Vernor.”
“Anyway, stay out of trouble will ya?”
“The Citadel? Yeh, the remains are down by the old road. You can venture down with some rope”.