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Storm giant smiling one. Countess of the Boreal Valley (to Jarl Storvald).
(Rogue with levels in sorcerer)

voice: mercer npc voice, rolling r, monotonous (slight descent)


Slender cloud giant rogue with a mask enters from behind a pillar slow clapping:

"Congratulations. You break into the Stormguard Citadel, you meet a couple of bottom-feeders, and you're almost better at killing yourself than they are."


  • "Tell me, Do you plan to ascend the citadel? What makes you think you will be able?"
  • "I must admit I was a little more hopeful when I saw how easily you dispatched of the Hill Giants."
    "But you won't be able to outrun the larger ones. Not all of you anyway."

  • "Call me Suri. I was returning with news from the north when I was greeted by hostile clan members."

  • lifts cloak of pendle: what is this, a cloak to attract ants?

If tries to leave, just quickly warn them. "You'll be mind-controlled or destroyed if you go that way. Which you are welcome to, but you might want to consider helping each other out."

There is strong magic ahead. Many of my friends, tried to stab at me. Thankfully, I am too quick for them to succeed with that. Still, there is an influence around the spire, that grows stronger the higher you get. It took most of my will, to hold out against it."

"There is someone white elf, enveloped in an icy tornado. No doubt a powerful sorceress."

Gilgrin Heist#

Still there is one thing you can do. Zoltan/Zalto :
- Such a powerful energy field cannot be maintained by a wizard alone. Zultan must be using the spire for his own gains. At the very least he's in on it. Put a stop to it.
- refuses to return my galvanized frost armor. I would normally send down a hit squad, but they all hate me at the moment. So, some help would be appreciated. Most of all, I need my armor back, I am sure they keep it at the Fortress in Gilgrin.

She offers a key. She offers polymorph for 2 hours. You might be able to sneak in as a party of storm giants. We have a party routinely heading down to sharpen our weapons (ice spears, haleberds) and get our armors galvanized.

Note that if things go south, probably try to make your way out alright? The 3 of might be able to dispatch of hill giants, but Gilgrin is different. Fire giants, though they might not be the wisest, nor most intelligent bunch, a bunch of them in plate mail is never an easy task.

Stop the energy field. Stay away from the vault.

Actual polymorph: Greater Alter Self#

  • Like Alter Self but without size restriction -> fire giant.
  • Don't get immunities or strength, you just turn larger.
  • Don't get large weapons (they are fake)
  • Can cast spells, can drop form at will.
  • Can speak Giant.
  • Duration 2h