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Silth the Infestor (Ancient Viridian Dragon 700yo)

(Modified Shapechange Retains ability scores + senses) into Storm Giant
Looks high ranking, commander. Goes by Laufey as a Giant. Yellow eyes.
Cyan robes. Druid spells. Blue dragon breath, green dragon stats. Can poison the minds of people. Lower INT. Needs greater restoration.

Truesight, PP30. Weakened the storm giants horde from within. Irae could then easily take over even these demigods. (Paranoia + Coughing)

Will rule menzo after Irae is done steering the demonlords towards major cities.
She was meant to be a defender of the reliquary in halos, but she's better in menzo.
She tried to cause a distraction near waterdeep (Gulthias tree)

PERC: 20+ grace > normal giants
Posh + annoyed accent.

Hints of polymorph#

Large footsteps has depressed the floors in this hallway. Regular sized, but clearly heavier.


grins in unnatural giant.
you're new. (eyes up down, glancing at various magical items (PERC20))
PERC10 notice her footsteps are loud and thunderous, 15+ cause large depressions in the ground (similar to outside)
will not let them pass without serious persuasion.
what does she want? them not to take anything that will harm dragons.
can be persuaded by an offering from gilgrin (hammer?)

(She will behave like her normal self because she knows no-one will believe they got in there to talk to her without use of force (in which case they won't be able to explain it away anyway).
You're aware you are breaking the rules, correct? (posher voice than usual)
These big doors are not to be opened, and Serissa would never let anyone through, so... that begs the question, why you are here.

Why is she there?#

Does not need the attention of gods. Just having fun seeing humanity fail to react to risk. Will throw some chaos in for fun. Raised in Menzoberranzen under the Magnificent Matriarch, but escaped 100 years ago.
Looking forward to ruling Stormguard after Irae is done. Dragons know they can't fight DLs. So the fact that they are there now means she's not too concerned with Irae's plan.

Part of that is ensuring powerful artifacts stay outside the hands of both giants. She normally persuades them to obtain things of danger to them and hide it away. While sweet-talking Serissa.