05 velkynvelve

No recap. They escaped with Shooshar, Derendil, Eldeth, Stool.
But Ilvara caught them (they ventured deep). Insect plague downed Eldeth (Dhonak's sister), and Dhoz kept trying to res her. Everyone else lept into the waterfall leaving Dhoznak's body cold up in the drow camp.
Escaped as Jorlan opened the door, you snuck your way into the armory..
Got basic weaponry.
Buppido(derro) + Eldeth immediately down from Insect plague
Eldeth repeatedly maulted by yochlol.
After being downed multiple time by this summonend fiend, Ilvara caught up with you and slew you both.

Escaped with Shooshar, Stool, Quaggoth prince.
Dhoz dies tried to save Eldeth.

- Richard
- Paul
- Spike
- Guy