117 acro police

20 July 2021

Mordai talked to the dahaka aka Sahaquiel as part of his death during wich Wish was cast to resurrect him.
This creature told you that the universe is deterministic, and bound to repeat itself, and he has lost the ability to see everything because chronomancy time loops are destroying the information about origin and end.

He showed you the fate of hanir, whose wild magic was apparently triggered by mordai's chronomantic abilities. You saw him travel to moray with hjarka after having departing after defeating Demogorgon. He had gotten the deck of many things from Sahaquiel who had supposedly tried all the permutations of the deck to minimise time based destruction.

He asked you to end all use and knowledge of Chronomancy in the world; to end Arklem and Irae, and to either kill, or make Celerom + Ursula + Sansuri somehow forget about it. Accepting the terms, you were returned back, at full health (7th level resurrection).

You quickly finished up the lower level reinforcements and Fleshy before starting investigating.

- Broken shield guardian medallion (potentially re-adapted for a more general purpose)
- Shadowmantle book (lich Valindra from evernight who experimented on dragons)
- Triquetra symboled teleport in a triangular pyramid.

Uncertain of where to go; you flew up to scout out the area, but after seeing a necrotic tempest above, you thought better of it, and risked the unknown teleport.


Finding yourself just inside a temple like structure (acropolis), with large stone towers and watchers on them outside. You carried on inward, where bones and skulls reshaped and communicated with you in almost unconcious style.

You found one particular suspicious skull, unlike the others, that you quickly dispatched (Murray), and carried on south.

- ask Faey what he would like to do at the end of game
- remember to seed mordai's green EB
- remember acid wing
- remember kiaranslee spirit seed!
- eidolon protects light passage (only stops visible otherwise)

- Florent
- Guy
- Jay