119 felgolos reborn
10 August 2021
You ventured through the acropolis in velddrinnsshar and fought felgolos - reborn as a dracolich - with arklem.
It was a long and gruelling battle.
- Faey went down early in the battle against a 6th level Harm
- but came back losing only one round after getting a his next round Nat 20 death save.
Felgolos did huge damage with the LG breath weapon on Mordai (twice, once on GW).
However, despite being out of Lay of Hands, GW was managing to tank most of the dragon damage while the rest of you tried to snipe Arklem.
Arklem, however, while not a particularly beefy mage, had his fair share of buffs and scary things that kept him up and kept him deadly:
- 22 AC (27 with shield)
- 25 spell DC
- Armor of Agathys at 8th level
- (Freedom of Movement - not discovered)
- Heal at 7th
- Chronomancy Spells to double cast (either conc or non-conc)
- Ray of Frost 4d8 cantrip with +14 to hit
- Dimension Door to get around
The dimension door turned out to be the crucial difficulty here, because while you tanked and gradually dealt with the dragon. Arklem could move out of his pinned position, and corner a low Mordai and take him down.
At this point, Felgolos had sustained a massive 600 damage (above the as-written max pool of 459), and fell to GW's reaction maul. The reaction here actually avoided the dragon's last attack that turn and this kept GW barely alive.
GW tries to taunt Arklem and get him to come out, while Faey tries to snipe him. Gets him low.
Arklem uses mirror image, and gives himself a free round, which he uses to finish off Mordai.
The round after, GW + Faey attack, but only takes out his his duplicates.
Arklem does one Ray of Frost on GW and plans to exit. It misses. We roll for whether to attack the mortally wounded GW or leave, he attacks. He hits, but with GW's resistance he's at 1HP.
At this point, Arklem knows he has to leave. The two of them will finish him. But he now has to survive one last round. One arrow hits, he has to use Shield to survive. The shield makes him dodge all of GW's hits, and he can dimension door up to the top where he gets sneak attacked by Faey. He's at 10hp, concentration dropped. Next attacks all miss. GW too far away. Arklem's next turn comes, and with almost no spell slots left, dimension doors out.
He's not far ("the lich is in another castle"). But all of you are wounded. Finding the scroll of revivify, you bring back Mordai (the second time today).
You take a moment to heal, and scan the surrounding rooms.
Skeleton reforming in lower left room (can be used before the middle part of acropolis's inner sanctum).
- Chronomancy: Recharge happening (Guy confirms)
- Skeleton says: "oh, it is happening. it is happennnn" glitch bony arm falls to the ground. "No, not yet, almost. Patience."
- Arklem showdown: acropolis -> arklem chase
- Foreshadow Irae's absorption into Kiaransalee by having Felgolos' contribution take more time than anticipated
- Arklem death: grey smoke everywhere, skin rots, green nova ripples through like a volcanic shockwave (bridge falls?)
- continue to seed mordai's green EB
* Arklem sets up deity; semi-hard Irae fight - where Irae gets absorbed into Kiaransalee to speed
* Both Irae & Arklem weak (short rest only) - Irae's death serving as a end boss, but also justifying the deity setup up transformation
* Irae has some spells, and will get some back in her lair, so not a complete push-over here. Keep them at bay, but no timestop / level 9.
- Florent
- Guy
- Jay