122 gregorian planning

21 September 2021

You scried on kiaransalee who evidently was slaughtering the citizens of menzo. You learned that she has certain triggers to her behaviour. Lightning seems to trigger Valindra's green form, and you hear the purple stoic voice of Larloch talk to the remaining in the trio that; they know the rules, the undead must be raised first. They will "head to from Evernight to Neverwinter" to kill "two birds with one stone".

Planning commences. Gloomflowers get freshened up and you get the fresh ones to create two potions of necrotic resistance (DC20-adv arcana), the dried variant fails (DC20-dis arcana).

Then planning on how to tackle this started. You converse with Diana and Ursula about how Kiaransalee came to be while they found some info on Valindra.

Many ideas where subsequently lifted. One was going to Evernight, but there was not much to go on on that front.

Another was utilizing the knowledge of the sources of Kiaransalee against them? Perhaps their union is not as ideal as it seems. More investigation is needed into Larloch/Valindra.

You asked Kavaki for guidance on using the Wand of Orcus, which was unclear. In fact, it was so unclear that the beholder stalks were still bouncing 30min later when ursula arrived. She noticed, and gave GW a whole schtick about good and evil.

In the end, GW tries to use the Wand of orcus with the silence ritual cast. Goes in with a new mindset: trying to force the mace to be good. It's difficult, you do have some common goals, but it clearly wants to be taken back to "The Black Depot" (sic despot).

Distributed rest of magic items, then went to give galeron the heads up about the situation. Who told you more about the continued struggle with the undead and how it's been an unsolvable problem. Ulimately, you roughly plan that Galeron and the graycloaks will deal with the undead while you deal with kiaransalee.

Finally, you dealt with gregor. Mordai first scry-suggested he'd speak out load, which was not super effective, so you sent GW and Faey to Waterdeep, past confused mages, to deal with him. You found he was smuggling drugs, so you did the morally just thing and stopped his operation, smashing his vials, and giving him 20gp to make him get up on his feet. It did not seem to be of relief for him however, so Faey stealthed a couple of rubies into his pockets.

Anyway. You got your shopping list from Lotte in Waterdeep, and you arrive back in castle never.

  • 2 Revivify Scrolls, 4 Superior Healing, 3x Acid Res
  • 2 Speed potion + 2 Undead Slaying arrows for Faey
  • 1 scroll or Blink

Ursula notes:
- Valindra's really focused on her dragon work. Goes into great deatils of the properties of the dracoliches. They all seem to have acid breaths, but there are some changes between them. Some of the dracoliches were focused so heavily on their pursuit to immortality that they could regenerate mid combat. Other were hardened by some magical armor that is powered by their own phylactery and were almost impossible to hit. Not quite sure what is useful information here.
- Valindra: Also interestingly that the book has this part here where Edward is making a joke to her about killing a dragon rather than resurrecting, and she goes on this whole tirade and almost kills him right there. Really attached to her work in a psychotic way.
- Larloch is the most odd one out of the bunch. A lich as well, went by the name The Shadow King, but regardless of his regal title, he did not come willingly. I.e. he was betrayed by Irae and Arklem. His fixation with trying to mend parts of his broken past empire may not have been the best for his sanity though, but at least he had a pet to get him through it.

- 16h passed (i think)
- plan c: philter of love
- lightning -> green trigger (great for GW attacks)
- Larloch's Ring: Cast Darkness (1 action) No attunement. No one got it.
- faey uses irae's cloak (flight / greater invis)
- internal conflict: "is it something one of them likes and one dislikes?" <- remind them of it
- Diana is scrying on Menzo (she will see that summoning is getting done || she's gone)
- Gilbert is wielding a crossbow on the wall
- Galeron shows battle plan for graycloaks

- Florent
- Guy
- Jay