36 grundsgryn
15th of April 2019
With temple restored, Hjarka taking a level in Tempest Cleric, boat fixed, you head towards Grundsgryn.
Weirdly overpopulated town with no boats. In the church they find Jenden (a druid who takes you toward the cultist leader of the church of Nekohime (cat princess)).
Upon investigation into the mountain they find the princess (androsphinx) trapped in time with Chrono: Indefinite Preservation (like Sequester). Also there's a dragon chamber on the way.
THey find a swivel chair, and a crystal bowl of whiskey next to the sphinx. Dragon returns and tries to grapple for players. Jenden pulls a lever and they fall into a missty room that shoots them 30 years back.
They can use the mist to port either 30 years forward or 30 years back {-30, 0, +30} but no other combos. Time Walk spell.
30 years back. The sphinx does not know Chronomancy, but the dragon also isn't there. The city isn't overpopulated, it's just getting started.
30 years future. They find the spellbook locked away in some fate-protecting-material, even sphinx from the past cannot open it. Future city is gloom, very culty after being absorbed by void dragon feasting on chronomantic spells. Dahaka also watches over the city.
You steal a ton of future gold.
- Svein
- April
- Guy
- Florent?