Lirthuqo's Lair#
An EBA so they could buy things from atishalla via Suooll.
They fought Beholder spectator + 2 Nothics.
Feel as though they are being watched.
Great Door with twisting snakes as the motif. Two giant eyes appear embossed underneath snakes.
In a room they come down from the side elevations. Two pillars near the entrance to next door. Can be climbed.
Beholder Spectator: Lirthuqo CR3
Reflects spells on successful spell saves. 2x Rays per turn. Flies in boss area
Difficult terrain effect (slimy) + grasping vines (p27MM)
Greed + Superiority
Sword Glowing in fire
Shortsword of Serenrae +1
Cast Lesser Restoration on touch with sword (5 charges)