Neverlight Grove#
Greeted by Sovereign Baisda + 5 adult hunters
- Baisda (Soverign good)
- Phylo (Soverign bad)
Random Names#
Hyphero, Psyllie, Psybie, Mylo, Rhizor, Zygoshar
Awakened tree (CR2) guards mushroom (small violet ones + long yellow ones)
Yellow ones are Tongue of madness (Must speak aloud every thought 1h)
Purple ones are Nilhogg’s nose (adv on perception smell + disadv save vs smell 1d4 hours)
Have Stool lead them to Basida
1. Fungal Wilds#
Wilderness. Meet Loobamub. HUNTER LEADER.
They don’t hunt, just bring back corpses to decay. Concerned about Phylo, but not sympathetic to Basida either. ENLIST THEM FOR KILL
Shambling mound (beginning encounter CR5 slow enemy - forest with river scenario)
Can give rewards:
- potion of fire breath, potion of invuln for Mound
Ootyugh? CR5
Grick Alpha CR7 (maybe if they are 4+ and rested):
Hits like a truck
Umber hulk CR5 (Crazy charm spell it has if not averting gazes)
2. Northern Terraces#
Walls suffused with faerzress, cultivating fungi.Meet Gasbide. Builder leader.
Supporter of Phylo, asks crazy questions about structures.
Surface world buildings.
Density of Lumber + Dimensions of Bricks.
Also, Grower Circle led by Hebopbe. Misses meldings, and doesn’t care for Phylos ideas.
3. Central Basin#
3 Adults + Phylo (Multicapped sovereign) welcomes them. BLURB. INVITE.
(Avoid eastern plateu plz)
Basida takes over. Stool detects unharmony. Talk about group of softers missing?
No exits hints? Grackl.
Phylo says drow people left. Basida puzzled.
Basida offers a tour (I INSIST), then expresses concern.
Wants them to check out the Garden. Gives scroll of protection against fiends.
Promises treasure if they do so. Can brew potions!
Gives extra potions if carcasses of Hulk/Ootyugh/Mound are recovered.
There’s- a place where they breed in the center. Spawning poiol. Yrberop leader infected.Swaying to music, pushes for bigger population.
4. Southern Terraces#
Narrow, less fertile. Rasharoo circle leader of scouts. Noticed changes in Phylo due to away time. Trust nothing (slightly mad from underdark influence). Likes sympathies expressed for Basida (or if he’s there)
5. Garden of Welcome#
Blurb p90 about rising fence and p91 about Xenaya closer to Garden.
Guarded by two chuul servants. (path from Yrberop)
Yestabrod Encounter by Master Circle (new)
Read blurb.
Corruted Zhurkwood stalks closer to Yggmorgus.
Yestabrod CR4 ( )
+2 Drow spore servants (CR¼ appendix C) immediately summoned (dies with Yesta)
Remember madness rolls. Remember CURSE spores.
+1 chain shirt
Elixir of Health
Hear sound and movement in cavern north east. Read blurb p92.
Entourage of 6x (Chamberlain holding 2 maids appendix C) moving towards Garden
3x servants puppeteer Yestabrod if dead, else Yestabrod himself.
Gradually read and give Madness throws:
1. DC10 WIS: Vision after (mock wedding || fight)
- DC11 WIS: Venture close and seeing terrain
- DC13 WIS: Drow creature awakens and trashes about
- DC15 WIS: hook horrors + duergar + drow dance, vomit and dance
- Shushed out by bridesmaids
X. DC19 CON: Zuggtmoy’s spores (if doing damage to her)