Command Line Interface

modul8 defines a command line interface when installed globally with npm, i.e.

$ npm install -g modul8

This tool tries to expose the core functionality in as minimal way as possible, and may in a few ways be a little more restrictive with its options, but in most ways it is identical.


Code Analysis

Analyse application dependencies from an entrypoint via the -z flag

$ modul8 entry.js -z

This will output only the dependency tree:

 │  └──┬app::models/user
 │     └───app::utils/validation

Minimal Compilation

Simply specify the entry point, and pipe the result to a file

$ modul8 entry.js > output.js

Alternatively, you can also use the -o flag:

$ modul8 entry.js -o output.js

The application domain is assumed to be in the location entry.js is found in.

Basic Compilation

Suppose you also have a shared code domain in a different folder like so


Then either

$ modul8 entry.js -p shared=../shared/ > output.js

from the app directory, or

$ modul8 app/entry.js -p shared=shared/ > output.js

from the code/ directory.

If you want to wait for the DOM using jQuery, append the -w jQuery option (see wrapper below).

Advanced Features


Multiple domains are partition of name=path values delimited like a query string:

$ modul8 app/entry.js -p shared=shared/&bot=../libs/bot/


Loading of arbiters works like the programmatic API:

$ modul8 app/entry.js -a Spine=Spine

We can omit the right hand side of an expression if the shortcut has the same name as the global.

$ modul8 app/entry.js -a Spine

Multiple globals for a given shortcuts can be comma separated:

$ modul8 app/entry.js -a jQuery=jQuery,$

Multiple arbiters can be delimited with an & symbol

$ modul8 app/entry.js -a jQuery=$,jQuery&Spine

Data Injection

Data injection works fundamentally different from the shell than from your node program. Here you rely on your data pre-existing in a .json file and specify what key to attach it to.

$ modul8 app/entry.js -d myKey=myData.json

Multiple data elements can be delimited with an ampersand like above.

Loading Libraries

Libraries can be concatenated on in the order they wish to be included. Load them with the -b flag, supplying a path as the key, and a list of files inside that path.

$ modul8 app/entry.js -b libs/=jQuery.js,jQuery.ui.js,plugins/datepicker.js

For a blank constructor call, do not use -g pathToModule= as this is used to pass the empty string as the first parameter. Instead omit the equals sign: -g pathToModule

Extra Options

The following are equivalent methods for the programmatic API calls to .set()

-w or --wrapper <str> ⇔ set('domloader', <str>)
-n or --namespace <str> ⇔ set('namespace', <str>)
-l or --logging  <str> ⇔ set('logging', <str>)


The following are slightly limited versions of the programmatic .before() and .after() API

-t or --testcutter ⇔ before(modul8.testcutter)
-m or --minifier ⇔ after(modul8.minifier)

See the API for more details on how these work.